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Concierge sortant les poubelles

How can we optimize a resource that we cannot measure?

Poorly targeted awareness, misunderstandings regarding sorting instructions, lack of awareness of the benefits of sorting and distrust of recycling performance explain the low rate of recyclable waste capture. The common point between all these reasons lies in the lack of transparency in waste management.

Fortunately, with Ficha it's not over!

Sorting error share in the
collective housing
Increase in TGAP
between 2020 and 2025
Introduction of the
pay-as-you-throw tax
Plastic recycling
rate in UK
Years of experience in
the field of AI
Detection accuracy
of our algorithms
Customers who make us
Quality of sorting thanks to
to Ficha
At FICHA we develop artificial intelligence models allowing the quality of waste to be characterized in different environments (sorting bins, collection trucks).
By providing data, FICHA allows to increase sorting and collection performance across a territory.

We already work with the best

Why not you?

Need information?

Cocoons Manager

All the data on your residence’s bins, your communication media, etc.

Présentation gestionnaire Cocons
Présentation web app utilisateur Cocon

Cocoon User

Exchange the points obtained from your sorting for rewards

Présentation tableau de bord Camia

Camia Dashboard

Track your collections, analyze the contents of your trucks and send your ambassadors where they will have the most impact