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Label Immobilier

The ISR label: the social and environmental label for real estate

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The construction sector is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases in France, behind the transport sector. Moreover, France has set itself the goal of achieving carbon neutrality in construction by 2050. This trend towards reducing the carbon footprint has led to the emergence of several labels to certify the environmental performance of different real estate assets. This article aims to provide an overview of the different labels:

Fast fashion

Fast fashion is no longer in season

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Winter is coming… And it’s chilling! However, the changing seasons offer our lives multiple opportunities for renewal: a varied consumption of fruits and vegetables, changes of landscapes, etc… And according to Vivaldi, there are 4 seasons and as many opportunities to enjoy them. But that was without counting on fast fashion which creates seasonalities to always consume more!

Voyage ecolo

Ecotourism labels

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A wise man once said, “tourism is great, but ecotourism is even better.” It’s not the quote of the century, but what interests us here is how to have an eco-friendly vacation. Here, we will present you the different useful labels.


Greenwashing: how to spot and avoid it?

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What is greenwashing? It is investing more time and money in the appearance of a “green” organization rather than having a real environmental commitment. In other words, it is the attempt to make people believe that certain products or strategies are sustainable when they are not.

Cocoons Manager

All the data on your residence’s bins, your communication media, etc.

Présentation gestionnaire Cocons
Présentation web app utilisateur Cocon

Cocoon User

Exchange the points obtained from your sorting for rewards

Présentation tableau de bord Camia

Camia Dashboard

Track your collections, analyze the contents of your trucks and send your ambassadors where they will have the most impact